♫♩ I was born a rambling man ♪♬..... No, not really, I'm not even a man! I do seem to wander a far bit farther than most, both in the metaphorical and physical sense.
I started out in a place called Medicine Hat, AB. (Don't go, it's not really worth it.) After high school I ran away to the 'Big City' of Calgary for 6 years. There were a few trips back and forth across the country in there - that I can highly recommend. I don't think you've really seen Canada until you drive it!
Then I got bored, packed my bags, said goodbye to snow and attempted to run away to Mexico. I must say that I have a horrible sense of direction because somewhere along the way I ended up in the snowbelt of Ontario... which does have snow, even if you don't have snowboots in your bag. That was four years ago and I'm still here! I'm living near Georgian Bay, hanging out with nature, loving the spring, summer & fall and the whole experience 99% of the time. Then we get snowed in for a week and I wonder where Mexico went.
Currently I'm completing my third year of graphic design at Georgian Collage. I've made Dean's list every year and this fall have the opportunity to participate in the Scholarship Show because of my high GPA.
I enjoy nature including hiking and general wandering around in the woods. There is so much to explore! I also am absolutely enamored by traditional handicrafts (mostly knitting). I also game frequently and am a self proclaimed 'geek'.